* spamcop.net --> listed mail servers for spam.
* Commands
1) Count total mails in queue
$ exim -bpc
2) Give mail header
$ exim -Mvh
3) List messages
$ exim -bp
4) Message from a particular user.
5) Lists mail received by a particular user
$ exiqgrep -f
6) List receipients
$ exiqgrep -r
* Frozen Mail --> due to spam
1) Froze a mail
$ exim -f
2) Display message body
$ exim -Mvb
3) Remove a message
$ exim -Mrm
4) Forceful delivery --> If its frzen then exim would try to deliver but fails.
$ exim -M
5) Freeze a message
$ exim -Mf
* All queues are in /var/spool/exim/input/
* Stop exim before removing /var/spool/exim/input/*
Mail log & Services
* Bounced message is indicated by **
* Bounced message --> if sending fails then the message gets bounced back.
* Retry period can be changed inside /etc/exim.conf
Exim log
* mainlog --> /var/log/exim
* paniclog --> error related to exim log
* rejectlog --> shows bounced message
* Inside /etc/exim.conf search for retry (comment it if working fails)
Q) Create an email-account then send & receive email?
Note: dovecot -->> POP
1) yum install exim
2)rpm -qa|grep exim
3) netstat -panel|grep 25
4) telnet 25 ------>>>>>>tests for connection
5) Stop sendmail (if its already installed)
6) vim /etc/exim/exim.conf
7) Add s/m user
$ useradd user1
$ passwd user1
8) cd /home/user1
9) vim /etc/exim/exim.conf ------->>>>>create mailbox
file = ..... $INBOX:/home/$local_part/Inbox ------->>>>>>>Inbox is a file
localdomains=@:localhost:user1.com ----->>>>> defines a local domain
10) start exim
11) exim -bt user1@user1.com ----->>>>> tracing the domain
$ telnet
HELO hello
MAIL FROM: user1@gmail.com
RCPT TO: user1@yahoo.com
SUBJECT: my subject
$ grep
INSTALL DOVECOT (Zimbra --> advanced version of Dovecot)
-->>> dovecot listens on all ports supported by POP2,POP3,POPS2,POPS2,IMAP,IMAPS
$ yum install dovecot
$ telnet localhost 110
$ vim /etc/dovecot.conf
mail_location= ........$INBOX=/home/%u/Inbox -->>>>> Inbox is a file
$ restart dovecot
$ telnet localhost 110
user user1
pass passuser1
retr 1
1) Download squirrelmail
2) Extract it to home directory of user1 /home/user1/
3) cd /home/user1/squirrelmail
4) mkdir attach
5) chmod 755 attach data
6) ./configure
select 1,2&4
7) Browse http://
Note:* set the VirtualHost entry @ start
* set "retry" option in /etc/exim/exim.conf
* Enable php and mbstring for running squirrelmail
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